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Economics & Markets

Kevin Lings - Economic udpate
Economics & Markets

Economic update – A shifting global economy

In this live-recorded webinar STANLIB’s Chief Economist, Kevin Lings, provides a brief update on recent economic developments across the globe and in South Africa.

SARB rate cut
Economics & Markets

SARB rate cut – unexpected timing

The South African Reserve Bank cut the repo rate by a further 100 basis points to 4.25% by unanimous decision at its unexpected Monetary Policy Committee on 14 April 2020.

Economics & Markets

COVID-19 Economic & Market overview 23 March 2020

Our Listed Property, Fixed Income and Equity and Balanced teams provide an update on how they are managing current market uncertainty in their portfolios. Chief Economist Kevin Lings also provides a useful update on the virus with some views on the economic outlook.

Economics & Markets

The Impact of the Coronavirus, now COVID-19

The novel coronavirus, now referred to as COVID-19, has infected an average of 2 300 people per day since 20 January this year. The number of confirmed cases has risen above 75 000 as at 24 February 2020.

Economics & Markets

A decade: past and future

Over the past 10 years the world economy has gradually recovered from the Global Financial Crisis
(GFC), growing by a respectable annual average of 3.8% from 2010 to 2019.

Economics & Markets

Moody’s credit ratings announcement

Over the last 10 years, compensation of public sector employees has become one of the largest components of government spending. Share on linkedin Share on facebook