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Top of mind for investors: global portfolio construction

Navigating markets in 2022 requires a change in tack as new factors drive a shift in growth outlooks and market performance. How do we construct portfolios amid the current market uncertainty to ensure sustainable long-term capital growth?

Picture of Neil Robson

Neil Robson

Columbia Threadneedle
Head of Global Equities

Picture of Alex Lyle

Alex Lyle

Columbia Threadneedle
Head of Managed Funds

In this webinar, Columbia Threadneedle’s Neil Robson and Alex Lyle, who manage the STANLIB Global Equity and Global Balanced funds respectively, discussed how they are navigating markets and the implications for portfolio construction. They answered top of mind questions from investors and did a deep dive into the strategies and tactics the fund managers are implementing to ensure these funds continue to deliver consistent long-term growth. 

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