Global Multi-Strategy Diversified Growth Fund
The STANLIB Global Multi-Strategy Diversified Growth Fund seeks to deliver equity-like returns with more stability over the long term through dynamic asset allocation and a robust risk management framework. The fund aims to provide long term capital growth by investing globally across equities, fixed income and currencies.
Invest for more return with the STANLIB Global Multi-Strategy Diversified Growth Fund
A dynamically managed, diversified global solution managed by J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s award-winning multi-asset team. The team adopts a top down asset allocation approach and leverages specialist asset class expertise from across the business. Deep qualitative insights by the strategy team and quantitative analysis
by the research team drive asset allocation and portfolio construction decision making in the investment process. The portfolio managers actively manage ongoing risks in volatile periods and de-risk in times of market stress through a proprietary Risk Management Framework.
Why Invest with Us?
Why STANLIB Global Multi-Strategy Diversified Growth?
Invest for a smoother journey to long term capital growth by harnessing the reach and expertise of J.P. Morgan Asset Management’s award-winning global multi-asset team and specialist capabilities.
Our team of investment specialists can help you achieve any investment goal. Whether your money is looking for more certainty, more return or more impact, we have a solution for your investment needs, no matter the time horizon.
Related Funds
STANLIB Global Select Fund
The STANLIB Global Select Fund aims to give South African investors access to the compelling diversification and growth opportunities offshore equity presents, with the secure knowledge the fund is managed by a world-class equity team within J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
Core Fund Range
STANLIB Corporate Money Market Fund
This fund is ideal for companies needing short-term and operational cash solutions with same-day liquidity.
It’s conservative, investing in SA money market instruments with banks and government only. And a maximum maturity of 13 months and average duration under 90 days.
STANLIB Corporate Enhanced Yield Fund
This fund is suitable for companies with short to medium-term core or strategic cash needs, offering next-day liquidity.
It’s conservative, investing in SA money market instruments from banks and government only, with a maximum maturity of 5 years and an average duration managed internally under 180 days.
STANLIB Extra Income Fund
This fund aids corporate cash investments with over 6-month maturities, offering next-day liquidity.
It invests in money market instruments, mainly floating rate notes, diversified across banks and highly rated corporates.